Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Gambling

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  1. Presented by Dr. Edelgard Wulfert, Ph.D., this 90-minute webinar serves as a primer to Cognitive Motivational Behavior Therapy presenting an overview of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and its application to gambling disorder.
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy is beneficial for treating several psychological, psychiatric and medical disorders. Patients with psychological disorders like uncontrollable anger and compulsive gambling can be treated with this therapy. Psychiatric problems like depression, substance abuse, personality disorders, etc., can also be dealt with it.
  3. Cognitive therapy (CT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are two of the few approaches that have been scientifically examined, and the outcomes have been extremely promising. These strategies focus on reducing the individual’s excessive gambling by correcting erroneous perceptions about probability.
  1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anxiety
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Examples

KEYWORDS: pathological gambling, cognitive distortions, cognition, heuristics and biases, cognitive behavioral therapy Gambling-related pathology has been the focus of rigorous scientific investigation for approximately 30 years, a briefer span than the comparable history relating to other addictive disorders.

I am Rita Bonfá, an English, Italian and Spanish-speaking psychologist based in Amsterdam.

I have been a therapist supporting expats from different countries for several years, providing a safe confidential environment where you can explore yourself, where your story is mirrored and you are confronted with your thoughts, patterns and behaviors.

If you are going through a difficult and stressful period of your life and are struggling to make some changes, if you have lost the capacity to think more positively or can’t deal with a specific challenge, you can find help in Counselling for you. Therapy sessions are mostly based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an effective evidence-based approach to a variety of emotional difficulties.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Anxiety

I work with individuals and couples seeking an experienced psychologist with a personal approach for the following psychological or emotional difficulties:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Examples

  • stress and burnout; facilitate work performance
  • addictions (alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling and others)
  • depression and fatigue
  • eating disorders
  • body image and self-esteem
  • sleeping problems
  • anxiety
  • assertiveness
  • cultural adjustment difficulties
  • mood regulation
  • developing skills and facing new challenges